


The Importance of Environmental Awareness for Minimizing impacts in a Food Company

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Érika Dávila Cardoso, Waldinei Rosa Monteiro, Tamilyn Alencar Fontes de Freitas, Vanessa Martins Fernandes Pinheiro


Sustainability, Environmental education, Waste.


Environmental management is a continuous and adaptive process, through which an organization determines its objectives, goals and strategies related to the protection of the environment and the safety of internal employees, customers and the community, based on the quality management of processes, products, services and interaction with the external environment. In this way, this work aims to raise awareness based on the relationship of environmental responsibility to minimize the organizational impacts on the lives of employees of a company in the food industry. The main interest is to examine in a more systematic way the perception of employees of a chain of sushi about their social responsibility in the activities they perform, in order to better understand their dynamics, their obstacles, possible solutions, as well as the reception of these employees for actions of this nature. First, there was a bibliographic survey of studies that discuss the issue of environmental education as well as the management of solid waste. Then, the chosen research sites were visited, in the Municipality of Manaus, capital of the State of Amazonas, where the way the employees perform their tasks and dispose of their waste was observed. At the same time, a questionnaire was applied to these professionals, in order to understand their knowledge about the theme. Lectures were also held in order to make them aware of the importance of their involvement in the processes and dynamics to be proposed. The study revealed that although there is a certain awareness about the negative impacts caused by the interference of solid and liquid waste, there is a gap between being aware of the problem and being aware that it is possible, with sincere dedication and few resources, to encourage some changes conducts, aiming at higher environmental quality, and even greater profitability for the company. The goal of being a green company must be incorporated into the future vision of the enterprise and that all employees are engaged in these results.

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  • Page No: 287-298
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