


Analysis of Roller Unit Assembly of Calcination Drum

( Vol-3,Issue-8,August 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sonal.U.Potdar, Prof.V.J.Khot


Calcination Drum, Support Roller Shaft, Guide ring, Roller, ANSYS software


Solid waste management is posing a great problem as the population is increasing day by day. The municipal sewage waste has to be disposed properly otherwise it will lead to air pollution and cause the serious effects on the health of human beings. The most common practice adopted is generating methane from municipal solid waste. For this purpose it is necessary that the municipal solid waste which is sent for further processing should be in the form of homogenous mass. In order to form the homogenous mass it is necessary that it should be separated in degradable and non degradable. This degradable waste is then converted into fine particles. To achieve this task the engineers have designed a special instrument named Calcination Drum. Usually Calcination Drum is also known as Rotary Kilns. In primary stage when the Calcination Drum was implemented it was found that some problems were encountered. The main aim of this project is to solve the problems related to guide ring and support roller shaft of Calcination Drum. The shaft is redesigned by changing its material and considering all forces acting on it. Similarly the modified fabrication process is also suggested for guide ring. In this paper Analysis of roller shaft, roller and Calcination drum is carried out and the stress and deformation is found out in static and dynamic condition. For theoretical calculations of shaft the standard data is taken from design data book and for guide ring Hertz contact stress theory is used.

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  • Page No: 142-146
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