


Embedded System for Real Color Composition in Experimental Physics

( Vol-5,Issue-8,August 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sandro César Silveira Jucá,Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, Gilmar de Pontes Barros Bezerra,Diego Lima Carvalho Gonçalves, Solonildo Almeida da Silva


Android, Educational software, Experimental physics, RGB colors.


Software can be considered educational when properly contextualized in a relationship of teaching and learning. This paper describes an embedded system and an educational software developed and applied in experimental physics to real and virtual colors composition. The educational system developed allows student interaction by voice commands, which makes the assimilation process of red/green/blue (RGB) color formation concepts more didactic and playful. The application of educational software in experiments also allows to verify, in real time, the influence of programs change on the physical phenomena and stimulates the logical reasoning development and consequently the autonomy of the students, to the measure that can raise hypothesis, make modifications in the programming and take off conclusions from the practical results obtained.

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  • Total View : 1459
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  • Page No: 343-350
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