


Soybean Breeding Aiming at increasing Productivity and Root-Knot Nematode Resistance

( Vol-5,Issue-6,June 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Osvaldo Toshiyuki Hamawaki, Raphael Lemes Hamawaki, Ana Paula Oliveira Nogueira, Jacqueline Siqueira Glasenapp, Cristiane Divina Lemes Hamawaki, Makyslano Rocha Resende, Tuneo Sediyama, Marcio Pereira


Brazilian Cerrado, Glycine max, Pratylenchus brachyurus, Soybean breeding.


In Brazil, the root-knot nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) has gained importance, whatever because of the damage caused to soybean crops or because of its broad dispersion and incidences in producing areas. Therefore, this invention aimed at developing a new cultivar resistant to the major soybean diseases as well as to the root-knot nematode. As a result, we developed a soybean cultivar designated UFUS 8301. Generations were advanced by the single seed descent method. Value for Cultivation and Use assays were carried out during a 3-year period (2010/13). Distinctness, uniformity, and stability experiments were carried out during a 2-year period (2011/13). We used the reproduction factor (RF) statistics to assess damage and reproductive potentials of P. Brachyurus; analysis of variance tested differences between means. We accepted the null hypothesis there was no difference between UFUS 8301 and the parameter of resistance Crotalaria spectabilis. UFUS 8301 was found distinct from any other cultivar, homogeneous to the descriptors that had identified it and stable through generations. UFUS 8301 presented 19% oil and 39% protein on the seeds, and yield (3687.5 kg ha-1) above Brazilian national average.

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  • Page No: 158-165
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