


The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees Performance at Cv. Putra Saleh Anugrah in District Samosir

( Vol-5,Issue-4,April 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Herta Manurung, Delviana RW. Sihombing.


Organizational culture, Employee Performance.


This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee performance at Cv. Putra Saleh Anugrah of Samosir Regency. Data analysis method is used simple correlation analysis method, simple linear regression analysis and t-test. The population and sample of this research are all employees at Cv. Putra Saleh Anugrah in Samosir regency with the total number of sample were 25 employees. Based on research analysis, it was found that rcaunt = (0,936)> rtable= (0,413), it concluded that there is a significant relationship between Organization Culture (X) with Employees’ Performance (Y) at Cv. Putra of Saleh Anugrah of Samosir Regency. The regression equation is Y = 0.299 + 1.184X. The significance of variable correlation is equal to 12,724. Then the value is compared with ttable with the error rate 5% df = n-2 = 23. The value of ttable= 2.069. In accordance with the requirements of hypothesis testing that tcaunt = (12.724)> ttable (2.069) it is concluded that Organizational Culture (X) has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance (Y) at Cv. Putra Saleh Anugrah Samosir District, hence the research hypothesis accepted.

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