


Accurate and Efficient Query Processing at Location-Based Services by using Route APIs

( Vol-3,Issue-11,November 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

K. Bhavana, Dr. K. Venugopala Rao


Location based Server, Query Processing, Query Execution Time, Range Query, Spatial Data.


Efficient query processing system provides best search results to user by gathering user point of interest. Mobile users required a Location based server (LBS) to search the spatial related data. Existing system provided route results but it takes more time to execute the query and does not gives the accurate results means traffic related travel timings. The proposed system is a fastest processer for location search users. Here, LBS obtain route travel times from online route API. So it gives the accurate results to user by preventing number route request and query execution time. We use range query algorithm to reduce the number of route request and Parallel Scheduling Techniques to reduce the query execution time. Our experimental result shows that the proposed system is more efficient than existing processer.

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  • Page No: 034-038
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