


Applying Data Mining to Support in the Extrajudicial Inspection

( Vol-7,Issue-3,March 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Harly Carreiro Varão, Marcelo Lisboa Rocha, David Nadler Prata


Association Rules, Data Mining, Extrajudicial Inspection, Optimization.


The Tocantins Court of Justice (TJTO) - Brazil has achieved high levels of computerization of its processes, whether in the judicial or extrajudicial areas. This scenario brings with it the need for transparency in carrying out such procedures. With regard to extrajudicial service, analyzing the data resulting from inspections of extrajudicial services are aspects that need attention. In this sense, a data mining technique based on association rules was proposed to analyze the data resulting from on-site extra-judicial inspections. As in general, the number of association rules is very large, a second step was taken in order to optimize/reduce the number of rules that represent the data set. Computational tests were carried out with other classic techniques of the literature, such as decision trees, Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes, where the proposed technique performed better.

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  • Page No: 125-130
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