


Base Shear Reduction Techniques: A Review

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ankush Nagar, Sagar Jamle


Base Shear Reduction, Beam Concrete Grade, Dual System, Dimension Change, Shear wall


Now India comes under densely populated countries and the land shortage is the common concern in large cities now a days. To decrease this problem, buildings taller in height is the only option available since it provides more suitability in less space. In this study, various papers allied to this topic are intensively reviewed in which an enormous work is done in this field earlier. To make these buildings inexpensive, harmless and suitable it is really important to add new ideas and expertise. One of them is the base shear reduction of the entire structure. By using optimum size of the beam at the top floors of the building the base shear can be easily reduced under earthquake. By the help of this study, various papers are reviewed in which an enormous work has been done associated to this topic. With the help of this literature survey, we came to know the conclusive outcome which forms the research objectives of our further technical study.

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  • Total View : 1289
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  • Page No: 466-471
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