


Basic life support training methods in nursing education: An integrative literature review

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Maicon de Araujo Nogueira, Fabiola Gonçalves de Oliveira, Antônio Sergio Ferreira de Lima, Benedita Farias Caldas, Ruth Helena Santos Rodrigues, André Carvalho Matias, Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins, Aline de Nazaré Silva Albuquerque, Camila Evelyn de Sousa Brito, Bianca Kelly Pantoja da Silva, Phâmela Ingrid de Jesus Ferreira, Giselle Sousa de Carvalho, Rayana Pereira Monteiro, Mariane Cardoso Bittencourt, Laura Samille Lopes Meneses, Lucas Carreira Ramos, Glenda Klicia Silva Rodrigues, Milk dos Santos Fernandes de Oliveira, Tatiana Virgolino Guimarãe, Nathalie Porfirio Mendes, Widson Davi Vaz de Matos, Cinthya Lorena Bezerra Sarmanho, Simone Batista da Silva dos Santos, Irlan Menezes da Paixão, Izadora Larissa Cei Lima, Andrezza Roberta Alves Raposo, Deisiane da Silva Mesquita, Rudy Cleyton da Silva Oliveira, Ingryd de Paula Aquino da Silva, Andreia Fernandes de Almeida, Fábyla D’Tácia Brito Trindade, Selma Kazumi da Trindade Noguchi, Danielle Oliveira Maciel, Otávio Noura Teixeira, Antonia Margareth Moita Sá


Teaching. Simulation Training. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate.


Objective: to analyze the evidence available in the literature on the Basic Life Support training methods in nursing education. Method: it is an integrative literature review. The search was carried out in the PUBMED, LILACS and BDENF databases. 69 articles were initially selected for full reading from the inclusion criteria, considering the time frame from 2010 to 2016, of which nine full texts were listed for in-depth reading and synthesis. Results: there were few publications on the topic as well as a multiplicity and heterogeneity of methods and strategies for the training of Basic Life Support in the training of nurses. Large gaps in knowledge were observed, making it necessary to develop research in this field, especially studies that focus on practical theoretical teaching strategies with the use of simulation in view that these are capable of bringing real impacts on the knowledge and skills of professionals. Conclusion: teaching aimed at the individuality and reality of the target audience, taking into account the epidemiological reality and characteristics of the students is fundamental in this process. Despite the variety of information resulting from the studies, multiplicity and heterogeneity in the approaches and forms of evaluation, we conclude that practical theoretical teaching strategies with the use of simulation, use of dummies and feedback emerge as more effective strategies, capable of promoting learning more effectively other available resources.

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