


Cold Wire Addition in MAG Welding

( Vol-5,Issue-8,August 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Deborah Santos, Thiago Silva Geraldi, Leonel Dimas de Abreu


Welding, MIG / MAG; MAG-CW; Double Wire; Cold wire; Metallic transfer, Slave torch.


This work aims to present a variation of the conventional MAG (Metal Active Gas) welding process, with the addition of a cold wire fed by a slave torch in the molten pool promoted by the electric arc originated form the main wire. Comparisons were made between traditional MAG processes with only one energized wire and the MAG-CW (MAG with addition of a cold wire). The welding parameters used allowed the spray mode of metallic transfer and the stability of the electric arc. As a result, a comparison was made to analyze the deposition rate, profile, width and depth of the bead between the two processes.

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