


Comparative study of AODV with malicious environment and the USOR

( Vol-4,Issue-2,February 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr K Butchi Raju


USOR, AODV, ns2.


By the performance analysis of two protocols AODV and USOR implemented in ns2 we made a comparison between them. USOR is efficient as it uses a novel combination of group signature and ID-based encryption for route discovery. Security analysis demonstrates that USOR can well protect user privacy against both inside and outside attackers. Successful implementation of unlinkability and unobservability property of USOR not only has satisfactory performance compared to AODV, but also achieves stronger privacy protection than the existing systems when in the malicious environment. Usage of the stronger encryption techniques in unobservable protocol makes the more data secure. In this paper we are going to compare the protocols AODV and USOR. The performance of the network mainly refers by using the packet delivery function and the over head of the packet to reach the destination. Here we are analyze overhead and packet delivery function of the two protocols and made the comparison between them.

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