


Conservation and Recovery of the water Eye of Alto da Santa Cruz in the Municipality of Saúde/ Ba/ Brazil

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Érica Carolline de Souza Almeida, Clecia Simone Gonçalves Rosa Pacheco


Spring recovery; Environmental degradation; Conservation.


The present work had the intention to study on springs, having as main objective to understand how the actions of the Municipal Secretariat of Development, Agriculture and Environment and of the associations and groups of environmentalists of the municipality of Saúde/Bahia/Brazil contributed with the conservation and recovery the Alto da Santa Cruz water eye. Through this research it was possible to identify the methods that contribute to the recovery and conservation of springs, aiming to understand and highlight the actions of the Environment Secretariat and the groups of environmental researchers from Saúde – Bahia as relevant in the attempt to revitalize the water eye, however not being sufficient to recover it. It was also possible to notice that many actions, despite being in compliance with the legislation and with the studies that have already been done in the area, can not contribute to the environment in any way if there is no support from the population, the government and the higher inspection bodies.

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  • Page No: 160-168
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