


Design and Thermal Analysis of Segmental baffle and Helical baffle in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers using Kern method

( Vol-3,Issue-11,November 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Y. Aruna Prasanthi


Kern method, helical baffle heat exchanger, helix angle, heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, shell and tube heat exchanger.


Shell and Tube Heat exchangers are the most common type of heat exchanger widely used in oil refineries, automobiles, aerospace applications because it suits for high pressure applications. An effort is made in this paper to design Shell and Tube Double Pass Heat Exchanger with helical baffle and comparing with segmental baffle using kern method. The helixangle of baffle is varying from 0 to 50 degrees .The paper also consists of thermal analysis of a heat exchanger with helical baffles using the Kern method, which has been modified to approximate results for different helical angles. The result obtained shows us a clear idea that the Overall heat coefficient is maximum in helix changer as compared to segmental baffle. The pressure drop decreases with the increase in helix angle. Helix angle of 6 degree has better heat transfer than the one with an angle of 18 degree as it expenses pumping cost.

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