


Economic Viability in Photovoltaic Panels: a Systematic Review in Capes Periodical Portal and Scopus Database

( Vol-5,Issue-7,July 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

André Gomes Barros, Denise Cristina de Oliveira Nascimento, Cristiane de Jesus Aguiar, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida


Webblioming; Economic viability; Photovoltaic solar system.


To accomplish this work, it was necessary to perform a survey about studies on the economic viability of the use of photovoltaic panels. This investigation was carried out by a literature review, which is essential to provide theoretical support for future researches. This work aims at conducting an analysis on the subject in works that approach the economic viability and the use of solar panels, from a previous set of bibliographic references to assist the theory contribution of this work. The webibliomining was adopted to perform the mining of the bibliographic sources that compose this systematized review of literature based on search tools and access to bibliographic information on the Internet. Scopus Elsevier database was chosen, as it is the most comprehensive one concerning the other ones. The search terms applied were (“solar photovoltaic system board” OR “pv” AND “economic viability”) in the following fields: title, abstract, and keywords. This study also focuses on research relevance for companies interested in using the photovoltaic panels. Results points out that the United States is the country that publishes the most about the subject, as well as the area that publishes is Energy. It is also noticed that Brazil is among the countries of most interest in such issue. In this way, it is concluded that the analysis of the sample of articles found and analyzed here shows that solar energy has increased visibility and has been applied in domestic, rural, commercial, and industrial plants. Nonetheless, there is also a lack of incentives or tax credit to make this power source competitive and viable.

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  • Page No: 311-322
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