


Effect of Cabrio® Top and Macuco Bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) Extracts on Soil Mesofauna

( Vol-6,Issue-12,December 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rândrea Grazziella Verçosa Guimarães, Wallace Cevalho da Silva, César Augusto Ticona Benavente, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar


Collemboli, Mites; Group wealth; Abundance of specimens.


Macuco bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) Is an atypical horticulture that has toxicity in its seeds and has potential for disease control, but its effect on soil stability is unknown? Among the bioindicators to evaluate soil quality is the analysis of fauna diversity, considered to be the most sensitive for presenting rapid response to changes. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect that macuco bean extracts and Cabrio® Top fungicide have on the soil mesofauna, with a completely randomized block design with three treatments and six replications. The treatments were: bean extract (1: 1000), a solution of Cabrio® Top (1: 250) and the water control. Pipes 100 mm in diameter were inserted into the soil 10 cm deep, one pipe being the experimental unit. For the extraction of mesofauna the Berlese-Tullgren method was used. After eight days in the extractor the samples with the mesofauna were removed for proper counting on the stereoscope. Moisture, group richness and abundance of individuals were evaluated. The results showed that soil moisture favored the richness of the edaphic mesofauna. Extract and Cabrio® Top compared to water increased the richness of faunal groups, but water presented higher abundance of specimens. However, all evaluated variables did not show significant variability between treatments. Therefore, Macuco bean extract and Cabrio® Top maintained soil quality without imbalancing the edaphic mesofauna.

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  • Page No: 343-347
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