


Evaluation of the Potentiality of Maniocresidues (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in animal feeding

( Vol-7,Issue-2,February 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Lúcia de Fátima Araújo, Raquel Aline A. Rorigues Felix, Emerson Moreira Aguiar, Robson Rogério Pessoa Coelho


By-products, Alternative Feed, Monogastric, Ruminant, Biotechnology, Agroindustrial Residues.


Due to the successive increases in the prices of agricultural inputs is necessary to use alternative foods to ensure economic and environmental sustainability in animal production. In this paper, the nutritional composition of cassava and the various forms of its use in animal feed were studied in order to investigate the alternatives using these roots to reduce the production costs of the various animal species. Besides the nutritional characteristic, cassava has great economic and social importance, since it is cultivated in most of the Brazilian territory. Cassava residues can be used as substitutes for energy foods traditionally used in the diet of animals with similar performance to conventional energy concentrates and they can also reduce production costs. Cassava is cultivated in several regions of Brazil which is an important reason to become a biologically and economically viable alternative for animal feeding.

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  • Total View : 763
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  • Page No: 305-308
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