


Execution Manual and Preventive Maintenance in Residential Works

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Maiza Gonçalves Rodrigues, Flávio Vieira da Silva Júnior, Angelo Ricardo Balduino


Maintenance, Pathology, Preventive, Manual.


Despite the continuous growth of civil construction, problems such as lack of maintenance have still been a major reason for disasters. And this process is regulated by rule, because it is part of the system in which it is necessary to correct pathologies and in order to maintain conditions of use of the building. Any and all residences must undergo this maintenance process, whatever the type, and preventive maintenance must be followed in order to maintain routine care to guarantee quality, durability and good performance of the facilities and services. Through a form, which was applied to professionals linked to residential construction, in a descriptive way a manual was developed, which through the results obtained was able to generate important tips as to pay attention to some processes in the execution and the attention that must be taken frequently , and when necessary performing routine maintenance. The most important points that were raised in the manual are the cold water and sanitary installations, services on walls and roofs that generate frequent wear and which causes the loss of the performance of the system as a whole. The intention is to raise the importance of paying attention to these repairs that are repeatedly observed and to be more careful when building with the proper techniques and labor and even after delivery, for the user's responsibility to keep a close eye on the expiration dates of each element inserted in the residence.

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  • Page No: 304-313
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