


Impact of Fibromyalgia on the Quality of Life of Patients in Brazil

( Vol-6,Issue-5,May 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rafaela de Carvalho Alves, Victor Rodrigues Nepomuceno, Florence Germaine Tible Lainscek, Pricila Zancanella


Fibromyalgia, Quality of life, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire.


Background: The use of specific evaluation instruments in research demonstrates the reliability of criteria and reliability of the results, giving significance to the context. Methods: Through a search of an online database (LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO). Results: This systematic review selected 6 research articles that used FIQ as a collection instrument and presented the results in a total score. It was identified the predominance of research in the southern region, and the quality of life of fibromyalgia patients is significantly reduced for all samples analyzed. Conclusions: There is a need for research and qualified professionals throughout the country to meet the needs of this complex clinical picture.

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  • Page No: 226-230
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