


InterLib: Collaborative Tool for Translators and Interpreters

( Vol-7,Issue-7,July 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ralfh Alan Gomes Machado, Heleno Fülber, Bruno Merlin, Fábio de Oliveira Torres, Dayse Ellen Chaves Rodrigues, Ryan Gabriel Américo Silva, Iago Costa das Flores


Collaborative tools. Libras translator and interpreter. Mobile application. Socialization of knowledge.


The spread of information and communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we share in-formation. Collaborative tools have a great importance for teaching-learning activities, so as to assist in the dissemination of knowledge. In the area of education, the Brazilian Sing-Language translator or just Libras translator and interpreter is the main agent enabling the communication between teachers and Deaf students. This specialist needs to overcome different challenges, such as proficiency in the lan-guages they translate, interpretation techniques, history and deaf culture. They also must lead with to specific contents taught to the Deaf student during different disciplines. This paper presents the develop-ment of a collaborative tool called InterLib, which has as main objective the qualification of these pro-fessionals toward these specific contents through the socialization and dissemination of knowledge. Thus, in regards of the lack of specific technologies for this purpose, a mobile application was developed aim-ing at facilitating the interactivity and collaboration of the Libras interprets.

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  • Total View : 965
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  • Page No: 463-468
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