


Island of Science Laboratory: Scientific Divulgation with Vector for Popularization of Science

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Antonio José Silva Oliveira,Clóvis Bôsco Mendonça Oliveira


Interactive Science, Science Teaching, Popularization of Science, Scientific Education, Developing of Instructional Materials.


The Island of Science Laboratory on the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), located in the State of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil is an interactive laboratory of science and technology for training and scientific information, through differentiated, playful and active ways of learning, in which academic discourse and colloquial language are integrated, formal and informal teaching, becoming a permanent learning space of the general public - adult and children (school age or not) - as well as training teachers, training technicians and monitors for new science and cultural centers, developing instructional materials and equipment for science teaching and scientific divulgation, training high school, undergraduate and graduate students.Island of Science Laboratory contributes strongly to scientific education in northeastern Brazil, especially in the State of Maranhão, with expertise in undergraduate education, graduate and high school, focusing on university extension and technological applications. This work presents actions account of the Island of Science Laboratory, especially those performed to bring science and the general public together, with their participation as articulator of the Science and Technology National Week – SNCT to making them the largest event of popularization of science in the State of Maranhão, Brazil.

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