


Law, Geography and Insurance: Establishment of Socio-Environmental Protection as a Standard for Government and Industry

( Vol-7,Issue-7,July 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

José Irivaldo Alves Oliveira Silva, Ryor D. Wolfgang


EcoLaw, Geodetics, Geographic Information Systems, Insurance, Environment.


The authors have proposed a fusion of Brazilian environmental law to US jurisprudence, and, financial risk management practices. The immediate goal was to bring together concepts and processes to suggest remedies for the dam tailings crisis in Brazil. The method used was called GeoLaw. This method has been employed in insurance strategies, combined with an in-depth discussion of geodetic data. However, the broader aim was to provide useful models to address issues of climate change resilience. Consequently, specific policies and technological systems were examined. This facilitated implementation of cohesive socio-environmental jus-tice for vulnerable populations and ecosystems, on a global scale. Means were suggested to better predict disaster risks. These strategies, consequently, had significant implications regarding insurance. The concepts of Geographic Law (GeoLaw) were introduced as a means towards greater effectiveness in decision making.

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  • Page No: 528-543
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