


Level of Physical Activity and Quality of Life: A Study with Elderly from Coredes Alto Jacui and Alto Botucaraí, Rio Grande Do Sul

( Vol-6,Issue-11,November 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Marilia de Rosso Krug, Solange Beatriz Billig Garces, Eduardo Osterkamp, Cristiele Batista Frese, Rodrigo de Rosso Krug


Aging. Health. Quality of life.


Brazil is currently undergoing an important change in its demographic pyramid, with progressive and accelerated aging of the population. Guaranteeing quality of life and functional longevity for this population has been pointed as a solution to the problem of the autonomy of the elderly in society. Thus, this study aims to analyze the relationship between quality of life (QL) and level of physical activity (LFA) in elderly individuals assisted by the Family Health Strategies (FHS) of the municipalities of Coredes Alto Jacuí and Alto Botucaraí - RS. This research was characterized as a descriptive cross-sectional study and the sample consisted of 1378 elderly (over 60 years old) representing 10% of the population assisted by the FHS of these municipalities. For evaluation of QL, the WHOQOLOLD questionnaire was used, and to determine the LFA, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used. Data were analyzed with the support of descriptive statistics, absolute frequency distributions and measures of central and inferential tendency, Mann Whitney U test and Spearman correlation, considering significant values p <0.05. The present research could infer that the quality of life levels were better for those elderly classified as active. It is concluded that there is a relationship between the two variables and the observed pattern is that the more active the higher the quality of life.

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