


Memory, Culture and authenticleadeship: why does this matter to a company?

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mário Nenevé, Miguel Nenevé


Company´s memory - Authentic leadership,Buddemeyer, Family business.


Memory, culture and leaderhip in a company does matter, although many executives may think the opposite. In this study we investigate the importance of memory and leadership of a family company in the city of São Bento do Sul, Southern Brazil, with the purpose of identifying its characteristics. We intent to study,through a questionnaire answered by employees, if they feel at home in the company and, therefore, if the leadership is authentic. Besides we want to identify the company´s atmosphere: can it be considered authentizotic? Which are the facts that characterize it as such.Brief and Weiss (2002), Gelfand, Erez and Aycan (2007), Hodgkinson and Healey (2008) and Judge and Kammeyer Muller (2012) are part of our theoretical support.

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  • Page No: 494-498
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