


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): Perceptions of Nursing Students in Tuberculosis Diagnosis

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins, Gisele de Brito Brasil, Jackline Leite de Oliveira, Maria do Perpetuo Socorro Dionizio Carvalho da Silva, Elaine Cristina Cavalcante Ribeiro, Suelen Trindade Correa, Lidiane de Nazare Noronha Ferreira Baia, Rosa de Fatima Freitas de Carvalho, Luan Ricardo Jaques Queiroz, Hellen de Paula Silva da Rocha0, Marluce Pereira dos Santos, Soraya Galvão Martins, Wesley Brandão Dias, Victor Guedes Souza, Ana do Socorro Maia de Moraes, Jeane Rodrigues Miranda Serrão, LiviaValquiria Raposo Dickson Chen, Andrea dos Santos Mendes Gomes, Adriana dos Santos Mendes Gomes, Salvador Clebson Pureza Soares, Larissa Monteiro Lima da Silva, Angélica Menezes Bessa Oliveira, Flávia Luciana Pinheiro de Souza Pinto Martins, Thamyres da Silva Martins, Jofre Jacob da Silva Freitas, Maicon de Araújo Nogueira, Otávio Noura Teixeira, Antônia Margareth Moita Sá


Evaluation. Teaching. Nursing. Tuberculosis. Diagnosis.


Objective: Evaluate the perception of nursing students from a public university regarding the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on the topic of tuberculosis diagnosis. Method: Quanti-qualitative research, carried out in the Nursing Undergraduate Course of a public university, in june 2019, with the participation of 30 nursing students, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. It was used percentage and Pearson's Chi-square for statistical analysis. For the analysis of qualitative data, the free word evocation technique was used. Results: The study shows that 73.3% of academics reported that the scenario developed in the OSCE exam contributed to the exercise of nursing in the face of tuberculosis diagnosis, 76.7% considered it necessary that Nursing Courses should modify the preparation of academics in relation to tuberculosis and 76.7% recommend developing greater skill for nursing consultations and home visits to patients. Conclusion: It is concluded that the exam's potentialities were highlighted, discussing its benefits in relation to learning needs.

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  • Page No: 448-454
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