


Optimization of Stability of Building by Changing Thickness of Shear Wall at Corners for Same Concrete Grade

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Zamran Khan, Sagar Jamle, Arvind Vishwakarma


Concrete Grade, Dual System, Dimension Change, Shear wall, Stability.


Stability is to ensure the safety of structures from collapsing. Stability theory is crucial for structural engineering, aerospace, nuclear engineering, coastal, ocean and arctic engineering. It plays an important role in certain problems of space structures, geotechnical structures, geophysics and materials science .The project deals with the Response Spectrum Analysis of G+20 storeys Residential Apartment for different models. Total 12 models are modeled under the variations in thickness Shear Wall Provided at Corners from 0.130m to 0.150m thickness. The structure consists of 5 m. spacing of grid with total 6 bays in both major directions. The plinth area is taken 30mx30m (900 m2). The earthquake structure analysis for zone III with the help of analysis software. The project concluded that stability of structure is increases with increment in the thickness of shear wall. The lateral load capacity is much more in shear wall structure and increment in it also increases. The optimum structures observed for the current project is OSW10 & 11 in terms of stability with respect to result parameters.

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  • Page No: 378-386
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