


Orthosis and Prosthesis Development for Large and Medium Animals using reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Techniques

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Marcelo A. R. D. Santos, Ruís C. Tokimatsu, Tiago L. E. Treichel, Tales D. D. Prado, Adecir C. D. S. Junior


Fracture, additive manufacturing, orthoses, reverse engineering.


Nowadays, the search for innovative techniques for Veterinary Medicine has been constant. Problems such as laminitis, that causes hoof pain in large and medium-sized animals, foot fractures that occur by trampling or even hoof breaking, can impair the productive or functional development of the animals, even leading to their sacrifice. The aim of this research is to use reverse engineering and additive manufacturing technologies to contribute to the development of orthoses for these animals that need help to be rehabilitated back to their environment, with a more adequate comfort. As a result, it was possible to digitize the lower limb of a calf that had an open fracture using reverse flight time engineering technology with the Kinect One equipment and thus digitize the paw to create a fixation and immobilization orthosis for the member. The orthosis was produced by additive manufacturing technology to immobilize the lower limb of the fractured calf. Thus, it is concluded that reverse engineering and additive manufacturing technologies can greatly assist in the area of veterinary medicine.

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  • Page No: 169-177
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