


Perspectives of PV Microgeneration in Brazil: A Proposition of Regulation Enhancement Methodology

( Vol-5,Issue-9,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

João Lucas Fontinele Victor, Sandro César Silveira Jucá, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, Solonildo Almeida da Silva


Solar Photovoltaic Energy, Distributed Generation, Net Energy Metering, Delphi Method.


The solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is disseminating on multiple kinds of sites due to the energy market liberalization, the renewable energy sources subsidies policy, the decreasing of acquisition costs and the adaptability to different installation conditions. These factors allowed the growth of PV generation, especially in the distributed generation (DG) segment. Meanwhile, the development of a legal and regulatory apparatus became mandatory to assure benefits to DG-adopters, without causing damages to the utility grid, preventing technical failures and eventual excessive pricing to non-adopters. As the technology innovations impose new possibilities and the number of adopters grows exponentially, the challenges become more visible and a regulation update, urgent. In this context, this paper aims to review the current pricing model for DG in Brazil, focusing on PV microgeneration, and to propose a methodology based on the Delphi Method to enhance the most critical topics of the on-going regulation.

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