


Physical-Chemical Characterization of Fermented Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera L)

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Alexandre Santos de Souza, Janclei Pereira Coutinho, Lara Bruna Brito Castro de Souza, Daiane Pereira Barbosa, André Luiz Sampaio da Silva Júnior, Marcus Vinicius Sandoval Paixão


selected yeasts; alcoholic fermentation; physicochemical analysis.


This study was carried out with the objective aimed to characterize the physical and chemical composition of coconut water produced by 1 yeast strain selected from 3 strains isolated from farms that produces sugar cane spirit in the region of origin in the city of Salinas, MG. Physical and chemical analyzes were made, determining total acidity and alcohol content, acetic acid, higher alcohols, acetaldehyde, furfural, ethyl lactate, methanol and ethyl acetate. Due to the lack of studies on the fermented coconut water and being a new product, the test results were compared with the parameters found in the literature of wine and other fermented fruits, noting that the results are similar. The LBCM 678 strain showed the best performance among the others strains being selected for the final fermentation and to chemically characterize the fermented coconut water. The results were: Acetaldehyde 0.23±0.015 mg/100mL, Ethyl acetate- 5.02±0.068 mg/100 mL, methanol 0.37±0.01 mg/100mL, higher alcohols- 4.64±0.046 mg/100mL, furfural and ethyl lactate were not detected in the detection limits of the equipment, volatile acidity,- 4.3±0.2 mg/100mL and ethanol content- 9.83±0.25 ºGL.

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  • Page No: 247-255
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