


Qualitative and Quantitative Videofluoroscopic Analysis of Basic Temporomandibular Movements

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ricardo De Bonis, Sergio A. L. de Souza, Hilton Koch, Milton Costa


temperomandibular joint, pterygoid muscles, temporal bone.


Background: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial condylar articulation with freedom of movement resulting from bilateral side morphological interrelations. Its basics movements to attend its main function are rotation and translation. Material and Methods: A videofluoroscopic study of the left posterior oblique incidence comprising 23 healthy volunteers of both sexes was conducted to qualify and quantify the displacement of the mandible over the temporal surface. This evaluation was performed without using any artificial contrast medium. Results: From maximum occlusion to maximum mouth opening, three spaces defined as LL1, LL2 and LL3 were established and used to qualify and quantify the limits of mouth opening. Seventeen volunteers could be classified as normal free (NF) and six as suspicious (S) based on this function. Conclusion: The NF and S groups statistically differed in their mouth opening capabilities (p < 0.0001). Measured values for LL3 greater than LL2 as well as positive values for L3-L2 can be considered NF and negative values for L3-L2 can be considered S with a significance of p < 0.0001. L2 was statistically confirmed as a good parameter for the distinction between normal and suspicious TMJ functioning.

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  • Page No: 149-159
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