


Scientific and pedagogical evaluation of question items for an Endodontics Quiz Game

( Vol-6,Issue-6,June 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Izabelle Maria Cabral de Azevedo, Soraia de Fátima Carvalho Souza, Judith Rafaelle Oliveira Pinho, Cláudia de Castro Rizzi Maia, Mary Caroline Macedo Skelton, Ana Emilia Figueiredo de Oliveira


Dental education; Endodontics; Diagnosis.


Introduction: Currently, the scientific and technological development has modified several areas of knowledge, including the health sciences. One such technology are the Serious Games, which are educational games that focus on specific and intentional learning to achieve efective, measurable, and continuous changes in performance and behavior. Ideally, students should receive enough training during dental school to have the skills necessary to make a correct diagnosis, and perform an effective and safe treatment. The authors believe that serious games can be applied in Endodontics, more specifically in emergency care. This study had the objective of developing and validating scientific (Endodontics) and pedagogically a quiz-type serious game within the theme "Endodontic Emergencies". Materials and Methods: The items on "Endodontic Emergencies" were validated by three endodontists (scientific validation) and performed with the support of the Pedagogical Center of the Open University of the Unified Health System (pedagogical validation). Results: Sixty evaluative items on the theme were elaborated and validated based on textbooks and scientific publications in Endodontics. The game has several motivational tools and strategies. The game also has moving characters so it is visually dynamic. Conclusion: The game was developed within the theme "Endodontic Emergencies" and its questions were validated for content (scientific validation) and pedagogically. The game is freely available as an application for the iOS system. From this initiative, the serious games learning approach is expected to be applied in a larger scale, since its spreading potential and social impact have been emphasized.

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  • Page No: 725-730
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