


Sociodemographic and clinical profile of women from Rondônia, Western Amazon (Brazil), diagnosed with the main types of cancer

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Carlos Alberto Paraguassu-Chaves, Allan Kardec Duailibe Barros Filho, Carlos de Andrade Macieira, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Lenita Rodrigues Moreira Dantas, João Viana Fonseca Neto


cancer in women. sociodemographic profile. clinical profile. Rondônia. Western Amazonia.


Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women from Rondônia, Western Amazonia (Brazil), diagnosed with the main types of cancer, over a period of 3 years. Materials and Methods: The methodological design followed the characteristics of a documentary, transversal and descriptive study, based on the raw data produced and sectorized, according to the methodological model recommended by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [4]. We used an instrument developed by Paraguassú-Chaves [5], semi-structured, divided into two blocks: (a) Block I - sociodemographic profile of women with cancer and (b) Block II - clinical profile of women with cancer. The research coordinator asked the Human Research Ethics Committee to waive the Free and Informed Consent Term. The research works with primary data from an official source of the public health service in Rondônia. Results: The age group from 40 to 59 years old prevailed, brown skin color, little education, married women, smokers and 89% referred by SUS. Breast, cervical and skin cancers were the most common. The oncology clinic was responsible for the entry of 89.6% of women with cancer. At the entrance to the oncology clinic women without treatment and advanced stages of the disease predominated, with a diagnosis confirmed by histological examination and with a single primary tumor. It prevailed “Other therapeutic procedures used. 23.8% of women with cancer have a family history of cancer. At the end of the 1st treatment, 71% of the patients have the disease in progress. 6.3% of women diagnosed with cancer died. Cancer of the stomach, liver, bronchi and lungs, breast and cervix caused deaths in women in Rondônia. Conclusions: The results presented are in accordance with the data of most studies carried out by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [3], [4], [6] and Paraguassú-Chaves [5] in Rondônia. In recent years, there has been an exponential growth of cancer in women in Rondônia. What is expected is that this research can serve as a basis for planning, executing and evaluating actions to promote, prevent, control and treat cancer in women in Rondônia.

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