


Strategic Management of a Work Safety Company with use of Bsc and Swot Matrix, in MACAÉ-RJ, Brazil

( Vol-5,Issue-9,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

André Gomes Barros, Denise Cristina de Oliveira Nascimento, Cristiane de Jesus Aguiar, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida


Planning, Swot, Balanced Scoredcard, Competitive Strategy.


The purpose of this manuscript is to evaluate the importance of the use of the SWOT matrix, the competitive strategy of differentiation and the Balanced Scoredcard (BSC), in the construction of the strategic diagnosis, in a company of work safety training in Macaé-RJ, Brasl, Brazil. maintain or extend their competitive advantage. The results show that it is possible to perceive that the managers approve and consider important the use of the matrix swot the competitive strategy with a broad target in the differentiation and the Balanced Scoredcard (BSC) in the elaboration of the strategic diagnosis to maintain the competitive advantage of the company studied in the market. The conclusion of the present study was that the use of the swot technique, differentiation strategy and BSC are important for the success of strategic planning and the search for competitive advantage.

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  • Page No: 140-144
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