


Study of Practices and Criteria Used in the Military Aviation Certification to Improve the Satellite Product Assurance

( Vol-9,Issue-10,October 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Cristiane M. Z. Silva, Guilherme M. B. Moreira, Marcelo L. O. Souza


military aviation, certification, satellite, product assurance.


The aerospace industry is experiencing the problem of producing higher quality products under faster changes in technologies and complexities. This worsens ensuring product functionality and supporting product assurance. This is especially true in the space industry. One punctual solution is to study and adapt practices and criteria used in the military aviation industry to improve the satellite industry, as done here. So, this paper studies practices and criteria used in the military aviation certification to improve the satellite product assurance. Their comparison allows the proposal of a new model for a satellite product assurance process, especially at INPE. To contextualize the subject, a brief history of product certification in Brazilian military aviation is presented with its current principles and relevance. In addition, essential concepts and international standards adopted by several organizations are mentioned. Some differences between aeronautical and space products and their features are also highlighted. In the end, a harmonization of MoCs (Means of Compliance) strategy is suggested to align the understanding between suppliers and satellite program organizations. Some of the practices discussed in this paper may aid the requirements compliance control for the space field, which can boost some projects with limited funds, stringent deadlines, and high costs.

Article Info:

Received: 21 Sep 2022, Received in revised form: 13 Oct 2022, Accepted: 19 Oct 2022, Available online: 25 Oct 2022

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  • Total View : 550
  • Downloads : 13
  • Page No: 260-269
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