


Survey of Potentially Host Weeds of Planococcus spp. in Coffee Crops

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gabriel Fornaciari, Edinei José Armani Borghi, Mayara Leite Vieira, Ronilda Lana Aguiar, Anderson Mathias Holtz, Abraão Carlos Verdin Filho, Marcone Comério, José Romário de Carvalho, Alex Sandro Xavier, Vergílio Borghi Neto, Caio Henrique Binda de Assis


Alternative hosts, Coffeacanephora, Planococcus spp.


Planococcus spp. can cause losses close to 100% of the conilon coffee production in highly infested crops. It is a polyphagous pest that affects several cultures and can be present in host plants that appear spontaneously in the cultivation areas. In this context, the objective was to carry out the survey of weed hosts for mealybug in conilon coffee crops relating to the phenological stage of the culture. For this, the survey was carried out in two areas cultivated with conilon coffee in the northwest region of the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Weed collections were carried out monthly, in both locations, for a period of 12 months. 17 weed species were found, distributed within 9 different botanical families, being: Asteraceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cyperaceae, Solanaceae, Commelinaceae, Portulacaceae e Cucurbitaceae. Thus, Planococcus spp. it can stay and complete its cycle in weeds, being a source of inoculum that can contribute to infestations in the reproductive phase of the conilon coffee.

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  • Page No: 333-337
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