


The Critical Analysis in the Legal-Social Context of the Episode

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Roberto Carlos Ferreira Soares, Maria de Fátima Rodrigues de Oliveira


Privacy, Intimacy, Image, Socialization.


This article proposes to analyze the episode “Queda Livre” of the Black Mirror series, considering the constitutional assumptions that establish the protection of the right to intimacy, to privacy and to image, together with the sociological exposure centered on the importance of the individual’s socialization confronting the plot of the episode that presents the technological resources that favor exposures of aspects of people’s private lives on social networks in a society that encourages the rise by punctuation through personal status assessments, making it possible to reflect on the influence of social networks as an influencing factor of conduct.

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  • Total View : 752
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  • Page No: 495-502
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