


The Importance of Traceability of Implantable Medical Devices for Safety of Patients and Hospital Institutions: A Narrative Review

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Roberta Rosas Trigueiro Gomes, Liniker Scolfild Rodrigues da Silva, Ana Cecília Fragoso Veloso, Aléxia Laís Silva Soares, Ivana Dutra Barbosa, Janaina Vieira da Cunha, Wanessa Starléia Batista da Silva, Alexandra Silva Cavalcanti Pedro, Sannie Maria Pinheiro Muniz Ribeiro, Thainá de Carvalho Sobral Chaves, Joel Azevedo de Menezes Neto, Wilma Nelly Barbosa Cavalcanti Silva


Implantable Devices; Patient’s Records; Patient Safety; Traceability; Orthoses and Prostheses.


Implantable medical devices are materials that assist or replace partially or totally for the purpose of preventing, treating, or compensating for a disease, injury, or disability. It is important to follow patient safety protocols such as effective communication, safe surgery and regulations to ensure the procedure free of risk and damage. To verify the predictors that guarantee safe use and comply with the safety of the patient and hospital institutions. This is a narrative study, which sought articles published in the past 10 years (2009 to 2019), in Portuguese, fully available. The following data platforms were consulted: BDENF, LILACS and SciELO. Research was conducted through original articles, theses, dissertations, booklets, collegiate board regulations, regulation of ANVISA and handbook of good practices, all in the Portuguese language. The data were organized and presented in figures and tables. Of the 87 articles found, after reading the abstracts, 04 studies met the inclusion criteria and were thematically specified, classifying the knowledge elaborated on the subject. The research reflects on the importance of presenting labels and controlling the use of devices to ensure the safe use of the material. However, there were no Brazilian publications specifically on the theme and, in this sense, quantitative and qualitative researches on the subject should be developed.

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  • Page No: 116-125
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