


The Role of Nursing in identifying the early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer in Primary Care: Integrative Literature Review

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Daniele dos Santos Garcia, Viviane Ferraz Ferreira de Aguiar, Ewellyn Natália Assunção Ferreira, Fernanda Araújo Trindade, Lucrecia Aline Cabral Formigosa, Amanda Carolina Rozario Pantoja, Andrea da Silva Pereira Amaral, Gyselle Morais da Silva, Susi dos Santos Barreto de Souza, Nillana da Conceição de Castro Rodrigues, Gabriela Nunes Pinheiro, Dandara de Fátima Ribeiro Bendelaque, Rafael Everton Assunção Ribeiro da Costa, Raylana Tamires Carvalho Contente, Dayara de Nazaré Rosa de Carvalho


HPV. Neoplasia. Cervical cancer. Prevention. Nursing.


Objective: to identify scientific evidence in databases on the identification of the early diagnosis of cervical cancer carried out by nurses, between the years 2012 and 2018. Method: Consists of a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach developed through the Integrative Review of Literature (RIL). Method: for data analysis, the IraMuTeQ software was used, which prepared the Dendrogram with the most used words and divided into classes described below: 1) The role of nurses in the promotion and prevention of cervical cancer; 2) The actions developed in the Primary Care services for early identification of cervical cancer; 3) Factors that make it difficult for women to perform the PCCU exam. Results / discussion: after analysis, it was concluded that most women are unaware of the problems related to cervical cancer and Pap smear. Conclusion: This fact may be related to the lack of information, fear and shame when performing the exam.

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