


The use of realistic simulation in the training of lay people in Basic Life Support: experience report

( Vol-7,Issue-9,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Fernando Conceição de Lima, Ianny Ferreira Raiol, Tatiane de Souza Vasconcelos, Aliny de Jesus Quintino, Kalil Orleans Silveira Pinho, Raissa de Sousa Marinho Pimenta, Rafaela Antônio de Bastos Ribeiro, Victor Vieira Silva, Artur dos Santos Soares, Bertho Vinícius Rocha Nylander, Thaís Vieira Tangerino, Ana Paula Silva Feio, Jailma Bendelaque de Sousa, Talyta Kelly Barata Santos, Beatriz Ribeiro Reis, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno, Bianca Campos Oliveira, Denise de Fátima Ferreira Cardoso, Murilo Elder Ferreira Costa, Marina Pinto de Souza Caldeira, Breno Marques Milhomem de Sousa, Raphaela Antunes Coelho, Pedro Thiago Malcher de Amorim Dias, Lidiane do Socorro Carvalho dos Santos, Andreza assundé Moraes, Marcos Cardoso Pacífico, Laydiane Martins Pinto, Mercês Rodrigues Cruz, Thainara Braga Soares, Ana Luisa Lemos Bezerra, Viviane Ferraz Ferreira de Aguiar, Lucia Menezes de Medeiros


Nursing, Medicine, First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Mentoring.


Objective: to report the experience by students of an extension project in carrying out a realistic simulation on Basic Life Support with employees of a Higher Education Institution. Method: descriptive study, type of experience report. The practice of realistic simulation was adopted in November2019 with employees of a private Higher Education Institution (HEI), in the city of Belem (PA) / Brazil. The present study emerged from the activities developed by nursing and medical students participants in an extension project of the aforementioned HEI, coordinated by an advisor, nurse, master and specialist in Urgency and Emergency situations, whose objective of the group is to train the staff Institution for Basic Life Support (BLS) situations, thus making them laymen with training to act through situations like, Cardio Respiratory Arrest, Obstruction of the Airways by Foreign Body, Episodes of Seizure, Fractures, Immobilization, among other situations. Results: It was observed that training it was of paramount importance for achieving the objective of the extension project. The strategy used by researchers facilitated the socialization of knowledge for employees and consequently a response positive to what had been accomplished. Conclusion: It is concluded that the method adopted to train the employees of the Institutions, facilitated the development of skills, not only from a practical point of view, but, above all, emotional and psychological, since the trained staff were able to familiarize themselves with various situations of day by day care involving BLS situations.

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