


The use of theory of problematization in the preparation of an intervention plan in a riverside community in the state of Para: Experience report

( Vol-7,Issue-10,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Thainara Braga Soares, Fernando Conceição de Lima, Beatriz Rocha Barata de Souza, João Victor Cunha Paz, Renan de Souza do Egito, Silvani Damasceno de Barros, José Eduardo Resende Campos, Brenda Tanielle Dutra Barros, Fabia Jamilli Nascimento da Silva, Rosana Cristina Coqueiro Campos, Adrielly Cristiny Mendonça Fonseca, Paula Iolanda Pavão Barbosa, Luciana Emanuelle de Aviz, Jéssica de Souza Pereira, Nanni Moy Reis, Jully Gabriela Navegantes dos Santos, Marildete da Conceição Paula, Katielem Melo Vale, Tatiane de Souza Vanceoncelos, Ana Paula Silva Feio, Bertho Vinícius Rocha Nylander, Kalil Orleans Silveira Pinho, Patrícia Oliveira Bezerra, Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro, Allan Marcos da Silva Palheta, Laydiane Martins Pinto, Juliana Souza de Albuquerque, Matheus Almeida Ramalho, Antuan Assad Iwasaka Neder, Ana Karla Alves Ribeiro, Rodrigo Santana Rodrigues, Marcos Cardoso Pacífico, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno


Health, Health Education, Nursing, Vulnerable Populations, Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


Objective: to report the experience of using problematization theory in the elaboration of an intervention plan in a riverside community in the state of Para about sexually transmitted infections. Method: This is a descriptive study, the story kind of experience, realized by nursing an academic institution of higher education private in the city of Belem do Para/Brazil. The action was carried out in a riverside community on the island of Cotijuba in that city on July 20, 2020. Around 200 riverside dwellers participated in the action, including men, women, children, adults and the elderly. It was used as a methodology the Arch of Charles Maguerez, obeying the five stages of the Arch, namely: I- Identification of the Problem, II- Key Point, III- Theorization, IV- hypothesis and V- application / intervention in reality. Situational strategic planning was used to support the development of the intervention plan, which was developed based on the planning cycle, which is composed of four stages: explanatory moment, normative moment, strategic moment and tactical-operational moment. Results: The riverside community was receptive to the proposed methodology; the population held little knowledge on the subject; the need to integrate the community and find a support network for STI prevention was evident; The action provided the graduates with the possibility of a more complete training. Conclusion: The community in which it intervened, benefited from the actions and services carried out, given that there was participation and attachment during the entire process of action, contributing to the strengthening of a line of care, integral and resolute.

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