


The Waste Management Plan and its Efficacy in an offshore Company

( Vol-5,Issue-9,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

André Gomes Barros, Denise Cristina de Oliveira Nascimento, Cristiane de Jesus Aguiar, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida


Garbage, waste management plan, solid waste.


The study of this paper was carried out in a company that serves several platforms of Petrobrás, in Macaé-RJ, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, where it has maritime chamber services, including food, cleaning, cleaning and general cleaning of the areas under the responsibility of the contractor, provision of bed linings, bath, cutlery, crockery, kitchen utensils in general and leisure items. The way to evaluate the effectiveness of the company studied was to observe compliance with the Waste Management Plan. It was found that workers had no evidence of training the less the sufficient knowledge about how to segregate the waste, and were unaware of the waste management program.

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  • Page No: 350-354
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