


Viscosity Control of Vegetable Oils Applied to the Diesel Cycle Generator Group in an isolated community in the Amazon

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Viviane Barrozo da Silva, Antonio Carlos Duarte Ricciotti, Hebert Sancho Garcez Militão, Júlio Sancho Teixeira Militão


Diesel cycle, Isolated Communities, Renewable energy, Vegetable oil, Sustainability.


This article proposes a sustainable way to generate electricity for isolated communities in the Western Amazon, using vegetable oil, heated in a heating tank, as a fuel to diesel cycle generators. Vegetable oil under high temperatures reaches a viscosity like diesel oil and does not cause damage to the generator's starting and fuel injection systems. Through mathematical and computational models, it is possible to control the temperature and the oil viscosity through sensors to reach a complete combustion of the fuel. All of this contribute to the development of the population of isolated communities that suffer without access to electricity.

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  • Total View : 976
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  • Page No: 376-384
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