


Work and Successful Aging Process: An Approach to Family Farming

( Vol-6,Issue-3,March 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Michele Barth, Jacinta Sidegum Renner, Rosemari Lorenz Martins, Geraldine Alves dos Santos


Aging, Health, Mechanization, Pain.


Working outdoors leaves marks on human bodies that are sometimes lasting. In family farming, workers age by consequence of their exposure and work, reaching older ages with serious physical and health problems. Purpose: To analyze the main factors that affects the health and therefore the aging process of family farming workers. Method: The research is characterized as descriptive observational, with data analysis from a qualitative paradigm. A semi-structured interview and the Corlett diagram were also applied. There were 80 participants from the municipality of Linha Nova, in the south of Brazil. Results: The main problems in family farming and that are also related to workers’ health are: climate, in which the sun is the main factor in premature aging and the risk of skin cancer; lack of mechanization, demanding that the activities be carried out manually; and heavy work and squatting, resulting in high incidence of lower-back pain among workers as a consequence of poor posture and weight handling. Conclusion: Despite these problems and less physical endurance, the results show that, for the elderly, to continue working on the family farm is a way to stay busy doing what they enjoy, to boost their self-appreciation and to help in the family business.

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  • Total View : 1088
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  • Page No: 188-196
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