


Identification of Employees through Radio Frequency Control using Arduino and RFID

( Vol-7,Issue-5,May 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jordan Pinto Guimarães, Diogo Pedreira Lima, Dêmis Carlos Fonseca Gomes


RFID, Identification, Technology, Security Work.


RFID technology allows objects to be identified automatically, through radio frequency, transmitting their data to receivers located remotely, the automated identification technology that has a high adaptability for multiple and different applications, being for small monitoring to advanced remote monitoring, and can be applied in several professional areas, from the health area, educational areas that extends to the engineering area. In today's society, RFID technology is increasingly present in our daily lives, although its presence is imperceptible and unknown to most of its users. In the present dissertation the mentioned technology, characteristics, applications are presented, with the final objective of creating a device to identify employees and with data from their specific episodes. In this sense, a previous study of the technology and its main areas of application was carried out, having been fundamental the study of the already existing applications of RFID applied in the area of civil construction and in other sectors focused on the part of security work.

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  • Page No: 241-246
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