


Research Grant upto 5500 USD Annually

Approved by the Ministry of Education

CrossRef DOI: 10.22161/ijaers

CNKI (China Academic Journals)

Qualis-CAPES A2 Brazil Link; Impact Factor: 4.192 ; SJIF: 5.986

Google Scholar; Redalyc-bibliographic database

Indexing and Archiving of the Journal

Scopus Indexing-Under Review

Refereed/ Peer Reviewed Journal

Scope of the Journal:

All Engineering and Technology with related subfields, Nanotechnology and Material Research, Deep learning, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, artificial neural network, Deep neural networks, Convolutional neural networks, Voice recognition, Sound recognition, Speech recognition, Pattern recognition, Image recognition, Facial recognition, Text mining, Text analytics, Robots / robotics, Domain specific chips, Chip (e.g.:volta), Hardware, Iot / Internet of things, Categorization, Taxonomies, Classification, Big data, Parse data, Prediction, Data representation, Data privacy / security / safety issues, algorithm and coding issues, Crowdsourcing, Supervised learning from labeled data, Behavioral-based authentication, Entrepreneurship, Computer science, Covid-19 study, Health Research, Nursing, Medical, Drugs, Bioscience, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nutrition and Food Science, Social Science, Humanities, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Religious studies, Cultural Study, Gender and Population study, Historical study, Psychology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education development, Engish Literature, Language, Teaching and Learning, Robotics and Automation, Management, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Human Resources, Hotel and Tourism, Business ethics, International Relations, Public Administration, Law, Media, Journalism and mass communication, Astrophysics, Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Development, Sustainable development, Environmental study, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Water management, Forestry, Fisheries research and Food research.

ijaers cover page

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) is the open-access peer-reviewed journal with a certain plagiarism policy and the journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within 10 days from the submission. It has a high citation record and high impact factor from the reputed society and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) (10.22161/ijaers) from CrossRef. IJAERS provides hardcopy and softcopy of the certificates and Journal complete edition with cover page, editorial board and table of content.

The organization aims at undertaking, coordinating and promoting research and development. It provides professional and academic guidance in the field of basic education, Higher Education as well in Technical Education. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science's mission is to Promote and support, High-Quality basic, Scientific Research, and development in the field of Engineering Technology, Sciences, Generate Public awareness, provide advice to scholar's researchers and communicate research outcomes.

  • Publication Frequency : Monthly
  • DOI : 10.22161/ijaers
  • Year of Commencement: 2014
  • Publisher: AI Publications
  • Submit Manuscript :
  • Licence Type: CC BY

Popular Indexing and Abstracting of Journal

    Google Scholar , Academia , WorldCat, Qualis (interdisciplinary area with A2 Grade) , scinapse, SlideShare, Pol-Index, PBN-Polish Scientific Bibliography, Microsoft Academic Search, The university Library-Aalborg University (Denmark), Tyndale University College & Seminary , Indiana University , J-Gate , Index Copernicus, Internet Archive, JournalTOC (UK), ResearchBib, Bibsonomy, CiteSeer, DRJI, Thomson Reuters ResearcherID (Author Profile), Root Indexing, Infobase Index, PdfSR, Cite Factor, ISSUU, Reddit, Scribed , Redalyc (Author Profile), Jurn-Academic Articles, Chapters and Theses, etc.....